A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: comic strips

Cul de Sac comic ends as homage to ‘dying yet mighty art form’

Cul de Sac comic ends as homage to ‘dying yet mighty art form’

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Pictured above are today’s strips of The Born Loser and Blondie respectively. Rockin’ dem tryptophan jokes.

The tryptophan thing is a myth, by the way guys; turkey’s tryptophan content is comparable to that of other meats.

Happy Thanksgiving from a know-it-all!

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Here’s the Beetle Bailey strip from September 6.

The thing about this quotation is that Cicero never said it. Taylor Caldwell made it up for her fictionalized account of Cicero’s life, A Pillar of Iron.

Tee hee.

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There was an odd Lynyrd Skynyrd confluence in recent strips of Sherman’s Lagoon (8/24, published online on 8/31) and B.C. (9/1).

Incidentally, Chicago detected in the title and byline of the online version of Sherman’s Lagoon.

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I just wanted to remind everyone that Prince Valiant is one of the greatest things ever to grace the funny pages with the strip from July 31, 2011.

Hal Foster started Prince Valiant in 1937. That’s seventy-four years ago. It’s changed artists and formatting over the years, but the artwork is one of the last remaining windows into the early days of comic strips, the times of gorgeous, full-page art like Little Nemo in Slumberland.

Seriously, that last panel? Man. When was the last time you saw something like that in a strip other than Prince Valiant?

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