This is what Mike Daisey had to say for himself when confronted by Rob Schmitz of Marketplace about his aforelinked fabrications.
“Look. I’m not going to say that I didn’t take a few shortcuts in my passion to be heard. But I stand behind the work,” Daisey said. “My mistake, the mistake I truly regret, is that I had it on your show as journalism. And it’s not journalism. It’s theater.”
I don’t buy it. As Dan Frakes says, the fact that he lied to TAL about this makes no sense — why not just adjust the monologue for radio? Or only broadcast an accurate portion? Or at least make the producers aware that he hyped it up.
The problem though, is that he couldn’t do any of that. Jason Snell:
I agree with Daisey that his art is to make a point about truth, not report facts. But his show was structured around assumed reportage.
That’s it exactly. His stage show, which you can read a transcript of here, is structured around the idea that he went to China, saw all this stuff, and gosh what does that say about globalization and corporations and aren’t we basically just Eloi? If he had to adjust his work to report accurately about what he saw, or reframe portions in the second-hand, all the drama would be lost: he would not longer be entering the Morlock tunnels and exposing the future’s degeneracy.
All that aside, good on Ira Glass and TAL for coming forward right away and admitting their part in this. Like Patton Oswalt says:
Man, Ira Glass’ dream journal is about to get a fucking workout.