A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: The Sunday Manoa

Hello! I must extend my apologies for leaving you all without a post yesterday. I believe this snaps a streak we had of more than a year with at least one post a day.

The reason for the break is that neither Colin nor I could figure out what to do for our thousandth post on Nullary Sources, which turns out to be this one right here. So yesterday came and went.

To make up for it, we’re going to post nothing but Hawai’ian music all day today. First up is “Pua Lilia” from The Sunday Manoa’s second album. The Sunday Manoa was perhaps the very first contemporary Hawai’ian music group, so I figured they’d be a good place to start.

Plus, Peter Moon’s solo starting at 1:35 is one of the best there ever was.

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