A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: meta


The Daily Caller: “‘Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers with pants down

Good evening, ladies and gents. You’re all doing fantastic, I hope. How’s the wine? I’ll cut to the chase, since I know you can tell I’m just buttering you up, being as well-read and attractive as you are.

I’ve started a side Tumblr called Things I Didn’t Click, which is in a way kind of an opposite of what we do here at Nullary Sources. Instead of interesting things like music, news, crazy science, and the like, TIDC is filled with stories so awful that you can tell solely from the title (and perhaps summary) that there’s no reason you’d ever want to read them. Things like the above headline, which was clearly written in attempt to be as creepy and disgusting as possible.

Check out TIDC if you’ll enjoy mockery of obvious linkbait, odd fixations on celebrity genitalia, terrible technology coverage, and so on.

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Two bits of housekeeping:

  1. I’ve “burned” this blog’s feed with FeedBurner. The new, canonical address is http://feeds.feedburner.com/NullarySources. If we switch off tumblr — which is certainly possible — that address will always work. Also, I’m a metrics whore.

  2. Nullary Sources is now on Twitter, if you swing that way. So go follow @nullarysources and contribute to the much-hyped-and-not-actually-happening death of RSS. I honestly don’t know if content beyond what’s in the RSS feed will make it over there. We’ll see.

Share & enjoy.
