A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: film

Styles and Themes of Hayao Miyazaki

Styles and Themes of Hayao Miyazaki

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Here’s the trailer for “A Few Dollars More”. I rewatched it recently and was blown away yet again by the amazing photography. I’m still up in the air on the plot. On the one hand, it’s complex and twisty and yet all the characters navigate through it with consistent motivations. On the other hand it may be so complex that it leaves little room for subtext.

In any case, this is a minor quibble. There’s enough interesting going on, visually, to make every subsequent viewing a chance to catch something new. This time around I noticed how smoking is frequently mapped to when a character is lying or otherwise fronting. Not an uncommon cinematic trope but it’s deployed a lot here.

One great scene for that is when Lee Van Cleef’s character and Clint Eastwood’s character are talking for the first time. I won’t spoil anything but just take careful note of when each character is smoking and not smoking.

Definitely one to look for on Blu-Ray.

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Donald F. Glut is a writer, director, etc. of films, comics, TV, etc. He also made a bunch of amateur films in his teens and twenties, including one based on Spider-Man in 1969.

This is how I’m reading newspapers from now on.

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‘Top Gun’ Director Tony Scott Had Inoperable Brain Cancer, Commits Suicide

‘Top Gun’ Director Tony Scott Had Inoperable Brain Cancer, Commits Suicide

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“Cloud Atlas”

“Cloud Atlas”

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Trailer for the new Paul Thomas Anderson film, “The Master”. Holy crap. And it’s not like I’m not a PTA super-fan or anything.

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Wikipedia: Bambi

Wikipedia: Bambi

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‘Ili’s link earlier this week to the 1988 National Aerobic Championships reminded me of this movie: Heavenly Bodies (1984). It’s a Canadian aerobics movie (yes a real genre) that ends with an aerobics-off.

Other notables in the genre: Ron Harris’s Aerobicise (1981) and Flying (1986), which stars a very young Keanu Reeves.

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First trailer for RZA’s movie “The Man with the Iron Fists”

First trailer for RZA’s movie “The Man with the Iron Fists”

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