A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Chicago detected: Yotsuba&! chapter #59, as translated by Yen Press (page 94 in volume 9, published in 2010).

What is Chicago? Only one of the greatest fonts ever designed. Created by Susan Kare in 1983, it was the first font designed for the Macintosh, and it was a key part of the Mac interface through use in menus, window titles, and so on. Charcoal replaced it as the default system font in Mac OS 8, but it found later use as the first iPod interface font. It sadly no longer ships with Mac OS as a standalone font, but it can be substituted with the Thai font Krungthep, which uses Chicago’s letterforms for non-Thai characters.

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