A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: wait what

Robin Williams appeared in an advertisement for the Nintendo 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A few things:

  1. beard
  2. d’awwwww
  3. beard
  4. Yes, he did name his daughter after Zelda. Note that she was born in 1989, at which point only the NES games The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link had been released. So he got on board this naming-kids-after-video-game-characters thing pretty early.
  5. BEARD
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I considered posting something about the Dallas Mavericks winning the NBA championship, but I decided against it. I’m not invested in the NBA at all any more, and any post from me would’ve just ended up snarking about LeBron again failing to win a title.

But this photo of Mavericks owner Mark Cuban (second from the left in the front row, solid blue T-shirt) taken by David J. Phillip of the AP ran in today’s paper. And…

This photo, man. This photo.

(image source)

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French media tweet and poke ban

French media tweet and poke ban

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British spies to terrorists: make cupcakes not war

British spies to terrorists: make cupcakes not war

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Mr. Curly looks pretty small and pretty curly. But in fact if you stretch Mr. Curly out it’s about two meters of narrow-bore garden hose.

And then he plays this thing. And it actually sounds pretty damn good. Good gravy.

(Make sure you get to the part where be brings out a clarinet made out of — well, I’m not going to spoil it.)

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In Vermont, draft horses used to lay fiber optic cable

In Vermont, draft horses used to lay fiber optic cable

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Here’s Lenny Kravitz hocking the new model of the Jeep Wrangler by driving through a swamp all extreme-like.

I’m not even sure what audience this is supposed to be reaching.

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Two automated Amazon sellers create a ridiculous upward pricing spiral

Two automated Amazon sellers create a ridiculous upward pricing spiral

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Here’s a shot from MSNBC’s PhotoBlog from the preliminary round of the Pillow Fight World Cup, happening in New York right now.

Did you know that’s a real thing? Yeah, turns out that’s a real thing. Here’s something the promoter apparently said:

This is real pillow fight. The boxing ring, the clothes and rules are all according to the CEPFR (central European P.F rules). This is NOT about half naked women wrestling with pillows as an accessory. This is by all means one of the most technically, physically and mentally challenging sports today.

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