A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: Twitter

#MuslimRage: How a Cynical Social-Media Play Became an Awesome Meme

#MuslimRage: How a Cynical Social-Media Play Became an Awesome Meme

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Students’ racist tweets about Boston hockey game put schools in a bind

Students’ racist tweets about Boston hockey game put schools in a bind

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Eight of Twitter’s three hundred million users agree: this kind of advertising is not at all indicative of desperation.

(Also: fuck you NBC for making this ad private and then reuploading it with no apparent changes no fewer than twice while this post was queued. If the video is broken, sorry! You might be able to find it on NBC’s YouTube channel under the title “Grimm – Quotes.”)

((Hey what do you know, it was pulled again. Thanks, dicks. Here’s a reupload by “Altessa10,” who knows how long this will last.))

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‘Twitter terrorists’ face 30 years after being charged in Mexico

‘Twitter terrorists’ face 30 years after being charged in Mexico

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GOP presidential candidates join Twitter debate

GOP presidential candidates join Twitter debate

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Tippie College of Business uses social media in application process

Tippie College of Business uses social media in application process

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French media tweet and poke ban

French media tweet and poke ban

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People often assume I find computers and software interesting in themselves. I find them about as interesting as cars or washing machines. But I find the things we do with computers more interesting than the things we do with cars or washing machines.

William Gibson, today on Twitter
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