During their absence from Dr Who, the Daleks released a series of new-age relaxation tapes.
(From Peter [Serafinowicz]’s last radio show on BBC 6Music – Saturday 31st March 2012)
During their absence from Dr Who, the Daleks released a series of new-age relaxation tapes.
(From Peter [Serafinowicz]’s last radio show on BBC 6Music – Saturday 31st March 2012)
Kristen Bell is really, really excited about sloths. (Don’t miss the actual home movie footage of her having a sloth-induced freak out.)
Probably the best way to describe this is: “If Jersey Shore was transplanted to Ireland and then mocked by two Irish dudes. Oh and this is real.” Hilarious; don’t miss this.
Good night, sweet prince.
(You may be interested in Nullary Sources’s previous coverage of Andy Rooney — we did a brief retrospective when he retired last month.)
I couldn’t resist one more Andy Rooney related link. Joe Mande has been editing Andy’s segment’s down to the just the first and last lines since 2007 — new to me though. As a swan song, Mande posts his top five favorite entries of all time and boy, they’re great.
(Via David Cairns.)
Finally, we’ll round out our tribute with Andy on the calendar. His final line here is what I consider to be the greatest thing he’s ever said, and I think it forms a fitting ending to our day.
Andy Rooney on a bunch of random crap he found in his kitchen drawers.
I want to stress that 60 Minutes is a show on prime time television. This was aired nationally.
Citizen 142124128 on the universal numbering program.
Andy Rooney shares a few quick tips for staying organized.
Andy Rooney tracks down an old friend.