A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: the 7th guest


Everyone who played The 7th Guest, raise your hands.

Those whose hands are down? For shame.

Ports for the iPhone and iPad were released last year, but several puzzles were left out due to time constraints. Probably the most prominent omitted puzzle was the microscope puzzle, which was a devilishly difficult game of Ataxx. Absolutely beastly AI, many a hair were torn out because of it.

Trilobyte developed a standalone version of the puzzle for the iPad, which was just released yesterday as The 7th Guest: Infection. It has difficulty settings if you don’t like the default blood-boiling one, and you can play with friends too if that’s what floats your boat. Plus there’s a new original soundtrack written by Mazedude. Nifty stuff. The trailer’s above if you want to check that out.

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