A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: ron paul r[evol]ution

This is a promo for Ron Paul, “The High Tide,” from 2008 that I only just found now. According to the copy, it was created by a “small group of dedicated grassroots artists,” so it was apparently not an official campaign ad.

It features CG Ron Paul.

Look at that shit. That is some fucking CG Ron Paul.

My favorite part is at 0:41 when doves fly underwater past CG Ron Paul.

I don’t have a punchline or bit of snark to end this post. There is nothing I can do that can top simply repeating that doves fly underwater past CG Ron Paul.

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Tom McCarthy for The Guardian:

After building a political campaign that was long on passion and grassroots support, if ultimately short of votes, Texas congressman Paul announced today that he is suspending his hunt for the presidency.

The candidate urged supporters to continue their efforts to amass delegates at state conventions, however, as part of a strategy to gain a voice at the Republican National Convention – and influence over the direction of the party.

“We will no longer spend resources campaigning in primaries in states that have not yet voted,” the Paul campaign said in a statement sent to reporters. “Doing so with any hope of success would take many tens of millions of dollars we simply do not have.”

Ron Paul’s “BIG DOG” ad is pretty easily my favorite ad from this election season, and I’ve been waiting for something like this to post it. My tribute to Ron Paul now devoting all his time to his shadow campaign.

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Ron Paul: DC Miser, Galveston Porkmeister

Ron Paul: DC Miser, Galveston Porkmeister
