After years of roaming the worlds in Super Mario 64 alone, you can now do so with a friend! Just as Nintendo had originally planned, this modification turns all of SM64 multiplayer.
Some crazy sonsabitches are porting the N64 GoldenEye 007 to the N64 Perfect Dark’s engine. Yes, they’re basically inserting a N64 game’s content into another N64 game.
The end goal is to take everything from GoldenEye and put it into Perfect Dark. Why, you ask? Because the Perfect Dark engine is an enhanced version of GE’s. Many new things are possible running on this engine.
Combat Simulator offers players a chance to play what would normally be considered multiplayer mode all by themselves – against computer controlled opponents. New scenarios are available, such as: King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Hacker Central and Pop a Cap. PD even allows for better customization of player settings. Characters can also have heads swapped, so nothing can prevent you from using the Terrorist’s head on Boris’ body. If all of the excellent features that the Combat Simulator has to offer isn’t enough, think about some of the great upgrades that could be made to missions…
Weather elements, suns and moons, interactive lighting, guards who can see through and over railings, character speech and voice overs, and many others. Want to play with a friend? No problem! Both Co-operative and Counter-Operative modes are accessible.
Here’s a, uh, what I guess is a ROM hack of Super Mario Bros. So from a literal standpoint, I do in fact know what the fuck I’m watching. But still, what the fuck am I watching.