A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: pandering

So the game Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is released tomorrow in Europe and next week in the U.S. Similar to Mario Kart 7, your vehicle transforms between three forms: land, air, and sea.

There’s one “character,” “Ages,” whose vehicles are the Hornet from Daytona USA, the Hornet from After Burner… and the Dreamcast controller.

I think I might want this game, you guys.

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On the plus side, I never had any desire to buy Vitaminwater to begin with, so this commercial doesn’t make me any less likely to.

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Oh, we’re doing this too? Okay.

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Eight of Twitter’s three hundred million users agree: this kind of advertising is not at all indicative of desperation.

(Also: fuck you NBC for making this ad private and then reuploading it with no apparent changes no fewer than twice while this post was queued. If the video is broken, sorry! You might be able to find it on NBC’s YouTube channel under the title “Grimm – Quotes.”)

((Hey what do you know, it was pulled again. Thanks, dicks. Here’s a reupload by “Altessa10,” who knows how long this will last.))

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Saw this ad for the Nexus S today. Nice nyan cat drop at 0:22 to build up internet nerd cred.

This is of course not the first tech commercial to harness the infinite power of internet memes for sales purposes.

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