Casey Neistat left his bags in an NYC taxi. Watch what happened next in this “OpDoc” (cut that out) produced for the NYTimes.
Casey Neistat left his bags in an NYC taxi. Watch what happened next in this “OpDoc” (cut that out) produced for the NYTimes.
Secret used bookstore operating out of an Upper West Side apartment
Amy Zimmer, DNAinfo:
Michael Seidenberg wasn’t ready to give up his love of selling second-hand books even after rental pressures forced his store, Brazenhead Books, out of business.
So, he set up shop — secretly — in an Upper East Side apartment.
“It is a second hand bookshop in every way, but it’s not on the street,” Seidenberg explains in a three-minute video, “There’s No Place Like Here: Brazenhead Books.”
This guy is keeping it real.