A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: NASA Image of the Day

Great pic from NASA’s Image of the Day gallery:

Stars Adorn Orion’s Sword

This image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope shows what lies near the sword of the constellation Orion — an active stellar nursery containing thousands of young stars and developing protostars. Many will turn out like our sun. Some are even more massive. These massive stars light up the Orion nebula, which is seen here as the bright region near the center of the image.

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Today, July 18, 2011, is John Glenn’s 90th birthday.

On Feb. 20, 1962 at 9:47 am EST, Glenn launched from Cape Canaveral’s Launch Complex 14 to become the first American to orbit the Earth. In this image, Glenn enters his Friendship 7 capsule with assistance from technicians to begin his historic flight.

Fantastic photo from NASA’s Image of the Day Gallery. Click it to read the rest of the writeup and download it in bigger sizes.

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