Pfc. Manning to be transferred to Army prison
Bradley Manning is that guy who we arrested on charge of being the source of the U.S. diplomatic cables leaked to WikiLeaks last year. So we locked him up in solitary, no biggie.
Manning was held in maximum security at the Marine Corps brig Quantico, Va., for more than eight months where he spent 23 hours a day and ate all his meals in an isolated cell, was permitted no contact with other prisoners, and was forced to wear chains and leg irons any time he was moved. He also was often forced to strip naked at night and stand nude in his cell for early morning inspection.
The Marines claim they took his clothes to prevent him from injuring himself. Military and Pentagon officials insist the action was punishment for what the Marines considered disrespect from Manning. Such tactics for disciplinary reasons are against military regulations.
Notice the use of past tense in that quote. Shockingly enough, this treatment of Manning upset some people, so the Pentagon rolled over after eight months and are now moving him to a resort facility, where he’ll be pampered day in and day out.
Under increasing public pressure and facing accusations of prisoner abuse, the Pentagon said Tuesday that it will transfer the soldier suspected of leaking secret documents to the Army prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Once at Leavenworth, he’ll be placed in a new medium-security facility. Although locked in a cell at night, he’ll have some freedom of movement in an open day room, have contact and take meals with fellow prisoners, shower when he wants and have access to books and TV. Hew will also have three hours a day of recreation time.
The way we coddle enemies of state is just pathetic.