A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: guided by voices

Guided by Voices, man. This is exactly what makes rock music so wonderful.

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“Doughnut for a Snowman”
Guided by Voices
Let’s Go Eat the Factory (2012)

Last fall I got the chance to see GbV’s so-called “classic lineup”1 play a show here in San Francisco. It was fantastic, but I assumed that it would be a one-time deal — frontman Pollard has been a busy bee since the band broke up in 2004, moving from project to project.

Not so, apparently. I admit not being familiar with the band’s full oeuvre but to my ear Let’s Go Eat the Factory fits in perfectly with their other early ’90s–era albums — Bee Thousand (1994), Alien Lanes (1995), Vampire on Titus (1993), Propeller (1992). The above “Doughnut for a Snowman” captures that perfectly — a crystalline pop song that doesn’t overstay its welcome a single second.

Look, anyone else would have added a few more verses to this to “flesh it out”, but not Pollard and crew. And to my ear what’s here is perfect — “Snowman” says what it wants to say and then it’s gone, all in 106 seconds.

For the time being, NPR is streaming the whole record.

  1. Bob Pollard (vocals), Tobin Sprout (guitar), Mitch Mitchell (guitar), Greg Demos (bass) Kevin Fennel (drums) 

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