A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: France

Nessy on Messy Nessy Chic:

The owner of this apartment, Mrs. De Florian left Paris just before the rumblings of World War II broke out in Europe. She closed up her shutters and left for the South of France, never to return to the city again. Seven decades later she passed away at the age of 91. It was only when her heirs enlisted professionals to make an inventory of the Parisian apartment she left behind, that this time capsule was finally unlocked.

Neato. (Photo from Getty Images.)

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How WWII codes on Twitter thwarted French vote law

How WWII codes on Twitter thwarted French vote law


French baker builds vending machine for baguettes

French baker builds vending machine for baguettes

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French media tweet and poke ban

French media tweet and poke ban

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