A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: fantasy

This is a wondrous piece by Leopoldo Galluzzo from Altre scoverte fatte nella luna dal Sigr. Herschel. Here’s the Smithsonian Institution Libraries’ description of the work:

This portfolio of hand-tinted lithographs purports to illustrate the “discovery of life on the moon.” In 1836, Richard E. Locke, writing for the New York Sun, claimed that the noted British astronomer Sir John Herschel had discovered life on the moon. Flora and fauna included bat-men, moon maidens (with luna-moth wings), moon bison, and other extravagant life forms. Locke proposed an expedition to the moon using a ship supported by hydrogen balloons.

The SIL has five more images available online along with this one, including a few vistas. I highly recommend checking them all out at full size.

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