A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: drive

Review: Drive (2011)

Saw Drive a while back. It’s a tough film to process after only one viewing. The film’s sparse dialogue is unusual for a what is, plot-wise, a cookie-cutter heist movie; though that’s not to say Drive will bore you. If anything, it’s a film that demands your attention — it certainly commanded mine.

Here’s a fine example of how Drive pulls this off: During an early conversation between Carey Mulligan’s and Ryan Gosling’s characters, we’re shown with a reverse shot of Mulligan looking at Gosling. In the frame with her is a mirror which shows a silhouetted Gosling. Tucked into the mirror is a photo of her absentee (incarcerated) husband. This is the language of Drive: not dialogue, not really even acting (which is quite good but understated) but photography.

There’s a lot more to say about the movie — including heaping praise on the fantastic soundtrack — but the above should constitute something resembling a recommendation. The film comes out on DVD and Blu-ray today — I recommend giving it a spin.

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