A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

New York Stock Exchange sold to a rival exchange

New York Stock Exchange sold to a rival exchange

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Data teleportation: The quantum space race

Data teleportation: The quantum space race


Iowa court: Bosses can fire ‘irresistible’ workers

Iowa court: Bosses can fire ‘irresistible’ workers

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Inside Insides is a blog where MRI technologist Andy Ellison uses a research MRI on food.

Here’s corn.

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The secret life of ciabatta

The secret life of ciabatta

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This is a promo for Ron Paul, “The High Tide,” from 2008 that I only just found now. According to the copy, it was created by a “small group of dedicated grassroots artists,” so it was apparently not an official campaign ad.

It features CG Ron Paul.

Look at that shit. That is some fucking CG Ron Paul.

My favorite part is at 0:41 when doves fly underwater past CG Ron Paul.

I don’t have a punchline or bit of snark to end this post. There is nothing I can do that can top simply repeating that doves fly underwater past CG Ron Paul.

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Google’s Authorship Fail: How Truman Capote Was Credited As A NYT Writer 28 Years After His Death

Google’s Authorship Fail: How Truman Capote Was Credited As A NYT Writer 28 Years After His Death

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Coming at you today is the utterly delightful “Lalalututa” by sweez & Meine Meinung.

I love the heck out of just about every single harmony in this thing. Every last one of them.

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The Embedded Dangers of Untested Stem Cell Cosmetics

The Embedded Dangers of Untested Stem Cell Cosmetics

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is absolute genius.

Converting the walking motion into forward movement? This will totally revolutionize the way we use our legs to go places.

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