A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead

America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead

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Firestorm of Criticism for Cabinet Nominee Front-Runner Chuck Hagel

Firestorm of Criticism for Cabinet Nominee Front-Runner Chuck Hagel

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“Are you also opposed to the wheel because because it is marketed by the big auto companies?”

“Are you also opposed to the wheel because because it is marketed by the big auto companies?”

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Pan-Arab Al-Jazeera pays $500M for Current TV in bid for stronger US foothold

Pan-Arab Al-Jazeera pays $500M for Current TV in bid for stronger US foothold

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Why You Won’t Be the Person You Expect to Be

Why You Won’t Be the Person You Expect to Be

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Rift between oldest synagogue, Jewish congregation

Rift between oldest synagogue, Jewish congregation

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At least 61 crushed to death in Ivory Coast stampede

At least 61 crushed to death in Ivory Coast stampede

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Welcome to 2013! The new year was brought in by this guy in a Pikachu costume riding a bike down a ski slope, so give him a big thanks for his effort the next time you see him.

(Photo by Maxime Schmid for the European Pressphoto Agency, via MSNBC’s PhotoBlog.)

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I think that we here at Nullary Sources could stand to post one more piece of music before the new year. So here’s a guy dressed up as Scorpion from Mortal Kombat playing the film’s theme on accordion.

I have yet to find a version of the theme performed with a slide whistle. I’ll keep you posted.

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Here’s a time lapse video of Katsuya Terada drawing a mural for Songs of Anagura, which is some sort of arty, sciency, exhibity thing at the Miraikan museum in Japan. I’m not really sure what the deal with this thing is and whether it’s actually in the exhibit, but all that really matters is that Katsuya Terada rules a heck of a lot. I recommend checking the video out in the highest resolution so you can see all the details.

You should probably go check out his Tumblr too.

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