A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

60 percent of America’s biggest cities are now smoke-free

60 percent of America’s biggest cities are now smoke-free

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Captain Murphy’s Duality

Captain Murphy’s Duality

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Hand Fixing Hand” is a photographic homage to M. C. Escher’s Drawing Hands, created by Shane Willis in 2007.

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The music industry is changing

The music industry is changing


So the game Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is released tomorrow in Europe and next week in the U.S. Similar to Mario Kart 7, your vehicle transforms between three forms: land, air, and sea.

There’s one “character,” “Ages,” whose vehicles are the Hornet from Daytona USA, the Hornet from After Burner… and the Dreamcast controller.

I think I might want this game, you guys.

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fMRI used to communicate with brain damaged patient

fMRI used to communicate with brain damaged patient

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Super Mario 64 Multiplayer Hack

Super Mario 64 Multiplayer Hack

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Andrew McPherson of Drexel University’s Music and Entertainment Lab:

The acoustic piano is a percussion instrument: felt hammers strike steel strings, causing them to vibrate. As a result of centuries of development, the piano has a rich, vibrant sound and tremendous versatility; on the other hand, it lacks the degrees of performer control commonly found in electronic synthesizers. In particular, once a note is struck, the performer has no further control over it until it is released. My research installs electromagnetic actuators inside the piano to directly vibrate the strings, allowing continuous control of the resonant sound of the instrument. This hybrid acoustic-electronic instrument maintains the richness of the acoustic piano while expanding its vocabulary to include infinite sustain, notes that crescendo from silence, harmonics, and new timbres.

I want one of these so bad.


Zoologger: The bird with a password-protected nest

Zoologger: The bird with a password-protected nest

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Ohio attorney creates fake child porn for case, now must pay $300,000

Ohio attorney creates fake child porn for case, now must pay $300,000

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