A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

The Real Ghostbusters was a Game Boy game released in the United States in 1993, starring the character Peter Venkman. It was earlier released in Japan under the title Mickey Mouse IV: Mahou no Labyrinth. As you might have guessed, this version of the game featured Mickey Mouse as the main character. This type of licensing/character substitution between the United States and Japanese versions of games wasn’t uncommon during the earlier days of video games.

What is a bit unusual is that the game was released in Europe under the title Garfield Labyrinth, repackaged with a third franchise.

Above are some screenshots of each version, from the title screen through the opening to the first stage. Besides the characters, the only major differences in the opening sequence are that there’s no jackhammer for Venkman to pick up, and that The Real Ghostbusters uses “Ghostbusters” as the background music instead of the theme the other two versions use.
