Airlines protest U.S. rules designed to protect passengers
Linda Loyd for the McClatchy-Tribune News Service:
Sweeping pro-consumer passenger rights rules go into effect in the U.S. on August 23 that require airlines to refund baggage fees for lost checked luggage and to pay more for involuntarily bumping passengers on over-booked flights.
The rules, designed to protect airline consumers from unfair and deceptive practices, extend fines to foreign carriers and to international flying by U.S. airlines, if passengers are stuck on airport tarmacs for more than four hours.
The new requirements have been praised by passenger rights advocates, but criticized by the airline industry for adding costs and challenges that could lead to higher ticket prices and more cancellations.
The International Air Transport Association, a trade group for 230 airlines worldwide, called the provisions “troublesome” and “a significant intrusion into the commercial marketplace. We are happy that they postponed some aspects of it for six months,” said spokesman Perry Flint.
Alright guys, look.
I understand that you don’t like being meddled with. Just like I’m sure the government doesn’t like having to waste time keeping an eye on you when it has more important things to do.
But maybe if you weren’t such tremendous douchebags.
We wouldn’t be having this problem.