Douglas County Assemblyman Kite wants to bring back ‘Brianna’s Law’ for 2013 Legislature
One of the most contentious crimes in recent Nevada history was the murder of Brianna Denison, a young woman who was killed by serial rapist James Biela. In response to the case, a bill dubbed “Brianna’s Law,” which would require anyone arrested on suspicion of a felony (not necessarily convicted) to have their DNA sampled, was introduced in the Nevada Legislature in 2011. It blasted through the Assembly, but it wasn’t taken up by the full Senate largely because of privacy and financial concerns. Samantha Stone wrote up a long piece on the bill for Nevada News Channel if this actually interests you.
The Nevada legislature meets only every other year, so the next time the bill can be reintroduced is 2013. According to Reno Gazette-Journal political reporter Ray Hagar, Assemblyman Kelly Kite of Minden plans to do just that if he’s re-elected:
“My grandson is in Afghanistan right now and they took his fingerprints and DNA and he will never have a chance to get that taken out of the file,” Kite said. “If you are arrested for a felony, I don’t see where you would have more rights than someone defending our country.”
Hey jackass, maybe we should just not treat our veterans like shit, how about that.