A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.
A Picture of Samuel Johnson Glaring
- Colin:
- You heard it supposedly cost the NYT $40 million to develop their paywall right?
- Colin:
- Nutso.
- ‘Ili:
- I didn’t follow through and actually read anything about it, but I heard that yeah.
- ‘Ili:
- It was one of those “I’m simultaneously shocked and yet not shocked at all” things.
- Colin:
- hahaha yeah, exactly.
- Colin:
- There’s gotta be a word for that.
- Colin:
- (If not, we shall create one.)
- ‘Ili:
- We just need to get someone to translate it into German and then use that as a loanword.
- ‘Ili:
- That’s how language works.
- Colin:
- Well.
- Colin:
- Ich bin schockiert und gleichzeitig noch nicht schockiert überhaupt.
- Colin:
- So, by the “German has no spaces” property.
- Colin:
- Ichbinschockiertundgleichzeitignochnichtschockiertüberhaupt.
- ‘Ili:
- I’m alerting the OED committee immediately to see if we can get an emergency addendum.
- Colin:
- Their version of the bat signal just has the word “LOL” in it.
- ‘Ili:
- Actually it’s a picture of Samuel Johnson glaring.
Tagged batman, ichbinschockiertundgleichzeitignochnichtschockiertüberhaupt, news, riff track, words