A daily miasma of frivolity by two wanna-be cultural critics. Or: just, like, some good links, dude.

Tag Archives: andy rooney

Andy Rooney Dead at 92

Andy Rooney Dead at 92

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R.I.P. The Andy Rooney Game

R.I.P. The Andy Rooney Game

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Finally, we’ll round out our tribute with Andy on the calendar. His final line here is what I consider to be the greatest thing he’s ever said, and I think it forms a fitting ending to our day.

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Andy Rooney on a bunch of random crap he found in his kitchen drawers.

I want to stress that 60 Minutes is a show on prime time television. This was aired nationally.

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Citizen 142124128 on the universal numbering program.

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Andy Rooney shares a few quick tips for staying organized.

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Andy Rooney starting on the national debt before his train of thought derails, tumbles through the desert, and then somehow rerails.

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Andy Rooney on saving for the future.

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Andy Rooney urges you not to sleep your life away.

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